Non-Polar SPE
- Extract polar analytes (with low hydrophobic character) using the most retentive phases
- Consider less retentive phases for extraction of non-polar (more hydrophobic) analytes

Highly retentive phase, extracts very polar analytes which are not retained by silica based C18 media.
Retains a broad range of polar and non-polar analytes. No secondary interactions. Used for PFAS in method EPA537.
Retains a broad range of polar and non-polar analytes. Secondary silanol interactions may enhance recovery of basic analytes.
Retains a broad range of polar and non-polar analytes. Efficiently end-capped to minimize secondary silanol interactions.
Retentive phase with high secondary silanol interactions for enhanced retention of basic compounds. Use in pH range 2-8.
Medium retentive phase for polar and non-polar analytes. Secondary silanol interactions may enhance recovery of basic compounds.
Medium retentive phase for non-polar analytes. Efficiently end-capped to minimize secondary silanol interactions.
Medium retentive phase for extraction of polar and non-polar analytes. Secondary silanol interactions may enhance recovery of basic compounds. Different selectivity compared to C8 media.
Less retentive phase for extraction of non-polar analytes. Secondary silanol interactions may enhance recovery of basic compounds.
Biotage is the Global Go-To Separations Company, supporting customers from drug discovery and development through to diagnostics and analytical testing with intelligent and sustainable workflow solutions. Our expertise and top-tier separation solutions play a key role in streamlining our customers’ workflows and improving their outcomes. Headquartered in Sweden, Biotage operates globally with 700 employees, serving over 80 countries. Our company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm (BIOT).
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