Forensic & Toxicology Sample Preparation

    Whether its difficult matrices like urine, whole blood, oral fluid or hair; broad (and growing) analyte panels, or increasing throughput requirements, our focus is on providing you with a toolbox of smart sample prep solutions.

    Learn more and find lots of useful resources for forensic and toxicology applications in the sections below.


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      Recommended Products

      Supported Liquid Extraction plates and columns designed to provide high analyte recoveries, and clean, protein and phospholipid free extracts. Methods are easy to develop, and automation is simple.

      Extraction methods and products that can easily handle whole blood samples without complex sample pre-treatment.

      Excellent sample clean up while enhancing manual or automated sample preparation workflow and delivering reproducible, high sensitivity analytical results. For elution volumes as low as 20 µL.

      Bead mill homogenization for challenging matrices prior to any sample preparation and extraction. 

      Powerful, user friendly automation systems for Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE), Solid Phase Extraction (SPE), Phospholipid Depletion (PLD) and Protein Precipitation (PPT) based methods, in plate or column formats.

      Designed for high throughput laboratories,  to provide efficient solvent evaporation in microplate formats.