Documents | MiniPrep PhyTip® Columns for Plasmid DNA Purification

    MiniPrep PhyTip® Columns for Plasmid DNA Purification

    Performance Features

    - No filtration or centrifugation of lysate required
    - Consistent purification of up to 15 μg
    - Transfection-ready, sequencing-ready
    - 96 samples at a time or 12 at a time
    - Suitable for downstream assays
    - Fast and fully automated, easy-to-use system



    The pace of innovation from life science researchers is constantly pushing the limits of available tools. While technologies such as high throughput construct screening, crystallography and DNA sequencing have advanced, techniques for performing plasmid DNA minipreps have remained fairly unchanged. At the same time greater emphasis is being placed on utilizing automated liquid handling systems to adapt traditional plasmid DNA purification formats like filter plates and
    magnetic beads to higher throughput, but with limited success. The major challenge to these approaches lies in the complexity of the lysed sample. Current methods require removal of precipitates and debris from bacterial cell lysate prior to DNA binding step by centrifugation or vacuum filtration and ‘careful transfer’.

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