The Importance of Quality Control on Lab Solvents & SPE Consumables
Water and Environmental Testing
Lab solvents and SPE consumables used in the lab should be quality controlled and monitored for contaminants routinely.
Water and Environmental Testing
Lab solvents and SPE consumables used in the lab should be quality controlled and monitored for contaminants routinely.
Water and Environmental Testing
When working with regulated environmental methods, why are all these extracts concentrated down to one milliliter (mL) final volume?
Water and Environmental Testing
If your lab is fast-tracking towards implementing EPA Method 525.3 then there are a few changes that you must be aware of. See our latest ...
Water and Environmental Testing
The Problem of PFAS, read more on the background.
Water and Environmental Testing
Today’s post covers three of the top sample prep methods being used for PFAS testing in water US EPA Method 537.1, US EPA Method 533, and ...
Water and Environmental Testing
Many of the pesticides that were used decades ago have now been banned, due to their known impact on the health of animals and humans.
Water and Environmental Testing
There are more PFAS compounds being discovered every day, it is important your lab stays up to date with regulations.
Water and Environmental Testing
Emulsions can be challenging to break up. When working with a method with challenging emulsions, I turn to solid phase extraction (SPE).
Water and Environmental Testing
The secret to tackling dirty samples in solid phase extraction – This blog post provides tips & tricks on how to achieve the best results.
Water and Environmental Testing
Using automated solid phase extraction with FT_IR detection the possibilities are endless.