Does it matter whether your dilution solvent is water-miscible?
Water and Environmental Testing
Processing samples in an EPA-regulated laboratory, you know that these methods can be very specific in some spots, and incredibly vague in ...
Water and Environmental Testing
Processing samples in an EPA-regulated laboratory, you know that these methods can be very specific in some spots, and incredibly vague in ...
Water and Environmental Testing
In this blog post we answers questions about TurboVap® evaporators and their use in an environmental lab.
Water and Environmental Testing
Common mistakes and good lab practices in the analytical testing lab.
Water and Environmental Testing
EPA method 525.2 has been one of the most widely used methods for quantifying semi-volatile compounds in drinking water.
Water and Environmental Testing
What are the differences between EPA Method 533 and 537.1? Our blog reviews each method and highlights key differences between each.
Water and Environmental Testing
If you’re a lab processing drinking water samples using solid phase extraction, you find yourself saying “How do I dry my extracts?”
Water and Environmental Testing
This blog post focus is on the changes the EPA has made to Method 525 which affect the analysis of the prepared samples.
Water and Environmental Testing
The U.S. EPA monitors a variety of compounds that pose public health risks when they are present in our air, soil or water.
Water and Environmental Testing
Pesticides are chemicals that are sprayed onto our crops, eventually ending up in our food and water supply.
Water and Environmental Testing
Read our technical tips on how to deal with vapor lock in automated solid phase extraction.