Homogenization and Extraction of PFAS from Solid Samples
Water and Environmental Testing
Homogenization is the process of breaking down a large complex sample into an individual, uniform mixture without incurring any degradation ...
Water and Environmental Testing
Homogenization is the process of breaking down a large complex sample into an individual, uniform mixture without incurring any degradation ...
Water and Environmental Testing
Monitoring for both HEM and SGT-HEM provides information that helps determine sources of contamination and prevent potential sewer ...
Water and Environmental Testing
Isotope Dilution Standard for Liquid Chromatography.
Water and Environmental Testing
What are Alumina Sample Cleanups and How Can You Implement in Your Workflow?
Water and Environmental Testing
How to demonstrate low background contamination for the extraction of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water using ...
Water and Environmental Testing
One way to prevent crippling the sample throughput in your laboratory from untimely downtime is to consider using a sample cleanup method.
Water and Environmental Testing
What are peak asymmetry requirements for PFAS analysis using EPA Method 537.1?
Water and Environmental Testing
Thermistors are most useful, at least from my perspective, when they’re used in automated solid-phase extraction systems.
Water and Environmental Testing
Phenolic compounds can be some of the most challenging compounds to extract from the compound lists in EPA Method 8270 and EPA Method 625.1
Water and Environmental Testing
Processing samples in an EPA-regulated laboratory, you know that these methods can be very specific in some spots, and incredibly vague in ...