While many of the standard amino acids can be purchased pre-loaded onto Wang type resins, there are still cases where coupling the first amino acid onto Wang resin manually is necessary. In my case, an unnatural amino acid was required on the C-terminus so there was not a commercially available source.
This coupling reaction comes with it’s own set of challenges, which is why many people perform a large scale batch preparation of the pre-loaded resin. But that’s for a later discussion. In today’s post I’ll address a different question. How do you quantify the amount of amino acid loaded onto the resin?
I have certainly encountered groups that choose to couple the first amino acid and move directly into synthesis of the rest of the peptide. And that’s fine. With the increasing use of unnatural, sometimes wildly expensive amino acids, knowing the exact amino acid loading of the resin is important to decrease reagent waste and cost of the synthesis.
Accurately determining the resin loading requires a high degree of precision. While the method is simple in description, sound analytical techniques are required to gain an accurate quantification. This is typically conducted after the amino acid loading reaction is completed and the resin capped, but it can also be used to monitor the progress of the reaction.
We are going to use the fact that the Fmoc-piperidine adduct absorbs UV irradiation strongly at about 300 nm and its removal can therefore be quantified spectrophotometrically using Beer’s Law, Eq 1.
Equation 1: Beer-Lambert Law correlating UV absobance with solution concentration. A = UV absorbance at a specified wavelength (x); ε = molecular extinction coefficient at a specified wavelength (x); l = pathlength through sample (the width of the UV cuvette); c = sample concentration, in units of mol/L.
The following general steps should be performed to determine the amount of amino acid successfully coupled to the Wang linker. Pay special attention to the tips highlighted at each step. These details will contribute greatly to the success of your quantification.
The mmol of Fmoc released into the deprotection solution is directly proportional to the amount of amino acid loaded onto the Wang resin. Using this quantity, you can determine the amino acid loading level via simple division with the mass of dried resin used in the above process.
Want to learn about strategies that can be employed to load the first amino acid onto your Wang resin? Follow the link below to learn more.