Biotage Blog

How Sfär Impacted Column use at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Written by Sarah Moran | Jan 23, 2023 10:18:33 AM

On a beautiful sunny day in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I travelled to the University of North Carolina campus where I spoke with Dr. Alfredo Picado about how using our new Sfär columns has impacted his time, output, and overall efficiency in his lab.

Dr. Picado works within the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC), housed under the Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina. Their team consists of chemists and biologists who all work under the SGC. We were able to discuss Dr. Picado’s most recent project at SGC and why Biotage’s columns made such an impact.

To learn more about the impact the Sfär columns have had in Dr. Picado's research, follow the link below!


 Learn From Dr. Picado